PTO News

PTO Minutes 9/17

6:30 p.m.

PTO Board

  • President - Bridget Dries

  • Vice President - Kaitlyn Elliott

  • Treasurer - Danielle Bemis

  • Volunteer Coordinator - Vicky Ness

  • Fundraising Coordinator - Jessica Fleming

  • Secretary - Becky Galvan

  • Social Media Coordinator: Vicky Ness/CES Staff

1. Call Meeting to Order - 6:30 pm

2. Welcome & Introductions/Roles & Mission of PTO:

Mr. Runyon - Introduction of attendee: role and child’s grade

Meet 8 times a year,  Description of all Board roles

3. Fun Spends (Bridget):

  • Pizza for Teachers first week, optimist club meal, t-shirt for Hollow Hustle, 

4. Approval of Financial Report, Budget & Foundation Update ( Danielle): 

  • Passed out the budget to attendance, $5340.58 standing

  • $94.18 for Pizza for Teacher’s first week of School

  • $151.00 for Optimist Club Dinners for new families at Open House

  • $1,995.00 for Cedar Hollow Hustle shirts (staff and kids)

  • Total $2,240.18

5. Room Parent Roles/Expectations (Vicky):

  • Hand out a room guide for being a room parent. Vicky will send out emails as well.

  • Recruit other parents for parents after setting up., everything is the same per class in the school to keep it simple.

  • Emails with the parent list will be sent out to room parents. .(parent/student directory will be out in upcoming months.)

6. Hollow Hustle (Board):

  • All shirts are ordered and will be here before the run.

  • A pledge sheet is created and flyer to parents that will go home with students prior to race.

    • K/1 - 8:45-9:30

    • 2/3 - 9:45-10:30

    • 4/5 - 10:45-11:30

  • Will need help with shirt sorting when they come in. All students will get a shirt for free.

b. flyers/donation sheet (Bridget):

  • Sent home on Friday 9/20

c. volunteers/times (board):

  • Friday - 8:45-9:30, 9:45-10:30, 10:45-11:30

d. money raised to go toward:

Fundraising Goals:

  • Raise money for benches and teacher appreciation 

  • Students receive a sucker if they bring back their pledge sheet

    • $5,000 - Kona Ice for the entire school

    • $4000 -Human Sundae- (Mr. Runyon)

    • $3000- Extra recess

    • $2000- Fun Lunch 

    • $1000- Hat Day

    • $500 - PJ Day

  • Will Need Wrist bands for run

  • popsicles after the race

  • students bring water bottles

  • Mr. Runyon will provide the music

7. Spooky Bingo: 

  • Thursday 10/24/2024 6-7:30 pm 

    • Free will donation

    • charge for snacks, 

    • Bingo Baskets made by parents

    • students can win candy

    • Whole family event for the school

8. Appetite Night updates :

  • 10/1/2024 Kona Ice- 5 to 7 during book fair

9. Box Tops/Tagg

  • PTO send out to parents, no school affiliations 

10. Social Media/FB Page Reminder: Check PTO facebook page to stay connected. 

11. Questions/Comments:

  • Scary acres event maybe next year

  • PTO shirts were created and given out (we can make another order)

12. The next meeting date is tentatively set for Monday October 21, 2024, @ 6:30 p.m.

13. Adjournment
